What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for? Hey lovey, I’m curious… How many times have you said,  “oh,  “I will get to that later”,  or,  “I really want to go there, maybe next year”,  or  “ I can’t afford to do that thing I really desire to do” Or “I’d like to be in better shape, but...
Intentions and Self-Care

Intentions and Self-Care

Good morning Tuesday! Let’s talk about this mid-life thing and how we can step into more self-care and self-awareness and honor our sacred temple, this glorious bod ,and set ourselves up for success! As a creative woman in your midlife experience, have you spent...
To embody your dreams

To embody your dreams

MOVEMENT, MOMENTUM, AND MAGIC– Transformational Lifestyle and Creativity CoachingWhat does it mean to embody your dreams? To feel so deeply what you are desiring, to feel it in your body, to let the vision unfold for you so that you can bring it to you, become a...