Another poem, experience, and the and Last Day to Join Us!

Emerging, Again

I talk alot about using our words to help us define, redefine, reevaluate, shift, explore, and dive in to what is about to Emerge for us, as women in mid-life, as creatives, as we shift into this new stage of life. New desires.

What are you emerging from? And ready for? Are you meandering, checking things out? Are you cleaning out, or adding in? Are you feeling like seasoned roots or newly planted seeds?

I did talk about this years ago on one of my FB Lives, and continue to do so for you, woman,  When I was running another fabulous mastermind, and I talked about this and more on the FB Live, click here if you haven’t seen it

Elevate and Illuminate….this is a recurring theme in my work as a coach, and as an artist, writer, dancer myself, and as we step into our divine feminine essence, which feels so easy to lose as we get older, getting caught up in the day to day, the mundane, and how we can forget about our sensuality, what keeps us juicy and vibrant.

Today, the theme is based on the same, and based around building and creating and keeping our journaling and writing practice. And Focusing on ourselves as women with bodies that want to be heard and taken care of, internally and outwardly, emotioinally, physically, spiritually. Sensually.

And those are the ideas, themes, prompts I use in my weekly journaling classes. 

And this next session starts tomorrow, Tuesday, on Zoom, so from the comfort of your own private space, your special room, so you can write with us for 1 ½ hours of quiet YOU time, to explore and have fun, and dive in, and release. Let the words from from te Body to the Page.

Your words are MAGIC. Your words are POWERFUL. 

And they are super fabulosuly important for you to take time for yourself to listen in to what your heart, soul, and body wants to say!

So today is the last day to register and join us for the next 6 weeks, once a week, to journal, question, write, listen, share, and enjoy the process…

With PROMPTS like this:

Write a short paragraph using these three words:

  • Body
  • Roses
  • Taste

And we might hit on some sensations:

  • The smell of love
  • The feel of silk 
  • The sound of laughter

And then we write longer stories, experiences, feelings, character studies…

And all around the theme of 

**No experience necessary, just a desire and willingness to let your spirit flow…get your journals ready…


  • Uncover your deepest thoughts, feelings, and desires
  • Gain clarity on your own body love
  • Step into your feminine divinity and own it
  • Heal emotional wounds and cultivate self-love
  • Enhance your creativity and intuitive guidance
  • Have fun with your word magic

Ready? Here you go…


I’ll share one more piece with you today, as I continue to work on my 5th book ( 2nd book of poetry!)

A piece of poetry, a life-short as I call my poems, to share. 

Being born, from the womb of dirt and rock

The freshness in the air, coming alive,

Oh my god, I feel the dew

The juice from the womb

And the bursting open is the rising up,

Taking a stand, as if picketing for the sun

Back not so long ago, the planting seeds of dreams,

My dreams

Uncovering and being connected to the earth

Digging in the soil to unfurl

Like the fern, unrolling,

like the pod popping open,

the shell cracking from the pecking

The desire for making space and

To take up space

To know the importance of what I want

Only me, mine, special it is

As in the growth that is coming

The expansion of that vision

The role playing uniqueness of one, and then

The naming

Oh for so much clarity to come through

The belief in the vision

The pounding of the wanting

You know, when you feel it in your chest

And your heart beating so fast and

You know, finally, that you do know

Wanting that self-sufficiency

To be fed from my own hands

To grow from the garden, within

To the forefront, to be seen and loved and

Ah, so beautiful and delicious

That abundance of living

Water flowing, from a trickle to a waterfall

Producing the drips and the drops and the blast of intention



Then showing up and showing face,

no apologies, with the follow through,

Because I can, still

growing stronger, from being fertile,

feeling the power of the conception

To the inception

weeding out the unwanted

Feeling for the flourishing, the nourishing

The nurturing of the desires

uncovering and being connected

To what is calling me, from me


The feeling and the lightness of the releasing of stuck words, too,, is glorious.

Oh, that flow. With a familiar ease. A craving to express but allowing instead of pushing into it. I can tell you how great it feels to have even just a few words “emerge”, as things are shifting again for me around my entire life. Change is in the air, and this is a time of renewal and rebirth. 

Have you felt like that, when you were creating? Your new business? A painting? Writing? Dancing? Cooking? Anything, but with that flow of recognition, of a feel-good thing you were doing, a right thing. Stepping up into your power and your purpose. 

Usingi words and writing as a time of regeneration, renewal, inspiration, cleansing, re-emerging! 

So Join us for the next six weeks and get your writing on! 

A Journaling Exploration into your Sensuality!

Register now and I’ll see you tomorrow on Zoom, Tuesday, 3:00 pm PST!

And yes, all are recorded if you miss one…


Thank you for reading my words, for taking that journey with me. For whatever that inspires within you, as you step into your new story.

Many blessings,